Mapping migrants’ inclusion in cities

How to use the map

Click on a municipality to find out more about the overall population size, the migrant population size, the origins of the biggest migrant groups and the languages spoken by the majority of migrants.


Soon, you will see this map grow as we add further elements, such as timelines of migrant inclusion in decision-making, to each city’s story.


You will see connections and differences between the cities. You will learn about the events that have shaped the inclusion and participation policies in each city and discover some of the solutions the cities have found to overcome participation and inclusion barriers.


MILE is co-creating this map with the help and insights of municipalities, migrant groups, local research teams and web developers. If you want to read more about MILE’s approach and tools, click here.

This map is here for a reason. It is here to tell you a story. Several stories, in fact.


Unique and yet connected stories of cities and their migrants, of inclusion and participation.


On this page, you can find key information to help you understand the four municipalities that are part of the MILE project, Riga (LV), Ripollet (ES), Birmingham (UK) and Ioannina (GR), their migrant population and the local diversity, inclusion, integration and participation policies.



MILE is about developing locally-tailored tools that can support the inclusion and participation of migrants and refugees in local policy-making. For this, we want to start by mapping the different local contexts of diversity, migration, inclusion and participation.


Some of the questions we want to answer in this map:


  • Who are the migrants in these cities?
  • What are their current needs?
  • And how can municipalities address these needs and provide them with opportunities to shape decisions and policies in ther local community?